Waldorf Salad with Chicken Fillet recipe

Waldorf Salad with Chicken Fillet recipe
Categories: Salad
Prep Time : Prep Time : 10 mins
Cook Time : Cook Time : 25 mins
Difficulty: easy
Serves: 4

The classic recipe for American salad "Waldorf" is based on grapes, sweet and sour apples and celery. In the contemporary performance, he also add boiled chicken fillet.



  1. Chicken fillet of decoctions until ready in salted water, chill and cuts with thin long stripes or sprinkle on fibers.
  2. Apples are cleaned from seeds, if desired - from the skin and cuts with thin lobes. Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice so that they do not darken.
  3. Grape grapes cut the holes in and out the stones. Celery cut thin plates. Dry and crumble walnuts.
  4. Combine all the ingredients, add nuts and raisins. Amateurs salad, sprinkle with mayonnaise, gently mix and put in a fridge for 2 hours to infuse.
  5. Before submitting the presentation "Waldorf" on the leaves of lettuce.

Nutrition facts (per serving)

Calories 215
Total Fat 24 g
Protein 30 g
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