
Yummly | A new recipe site you need!

Yummly | A new recipe site you need!

I know, I know… it seems there’s always a new great thing on the world wide web, but really… now there’s Yummly | A New Recipe Site for you! I already have a personal profile and I could not be more excited! I only recently signed up with Yummly, but I’m already loving it!    It’s a really easy to use and it’s a great place to browse for new recipes!  The best thing – it’s only recipes!  Your feed there won’t be mixed up with tutorials or fashion or any other topic… it’s food, food and more food! Are you ready to try it out?



Just hop on over to Yummly and click on “Create an Account” in the top right corner. After you’ve filled out your basic information, you’ll want to click again on your name in the upper right corner, then click on “Profile” in the drop down menu.  This is where you’ll fill out a few more details and connect social media accounts if you like. You can also click on “Taste Preferences” and choose special diets, allergies, and even add foods you don’t like!  Entering this information will really personalize Yummly for you – so you’re seeing the things you want to see most!


Once you’ve got your Yummly account started and your profile details added, you’ll want to start adding recipes.   When you add a recipe to your account, you’re “Yum”ing it.  All recipes you “Yum” will be added to your Myrecipespro. If you don’t want everything in that general category, then I recommend adding each recipe to a specific category, or Collection, such as Cookies or Desserts.    This keeps your Recipe box clean & organized!  To add a recipe to a Collection, click on the Yum button on the recipe you’ve just added. A menu box will drop down with a few pre-selected categories. Feel free to create a few of your own Collections to customize your page even more. How do you add recipes?  Use that Yum Button I just mentioned.   On my blog (and other’s using Yummly), you can simply click on the Yum button on that page… see my Yum button below (it’s the orange square with a “Y”):

Yum Button

When you click that and “Yum” my recipe, it’ll be added to your recipe box!  You can also add theYum Bookmarklet or add the Yum Chrome Extension if you’re a Chrome user (like me!). Okay so… here are my two favorite things about Yummly:

  • The simple design and how easy it is to use!   It’s so easy to browse recipes or search for recipes with specific ingredients, special diets, or allergies.  Also – there are no other distractions… Yummly is all recipes, all the time! ?
  • Yummly knows what I like: Because I’m starting to use Yummly more, the recommendations for me are getting better; they’re really tailored to what I love most!

And I think that’s all you need to know!  I’d love for you to join me on Yummly by signing up here and of course, “Yum” my recipes to help me out!    Wanna see the Yummly page just for Myrecipespro?   Click HERE to see! If you have any questions about Yummly, leave me a comment!  I’m still learning the ropes myself, but if I don’t know the answer, I’ll try help you figure it out!  

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